Stationery, a Hugo Theme

| 2 minute read

Stationery is my first foray into theme development for the lovely Hugo static site generator, and is the theme powering this site. It is inspired by the clean lines and beautiful type of print stationery, updated and streamlined for the reality of 21st-century web publishing. The theme is meant to feel clean and minimalist without becoming sterile or cold. Particular care and effort has gone into the typography, including a custom full-featured webfont build of Raleway which is featured prominently as a header and display typeface.

Several devices showing blogs using variants of the Stationery theme

Stationery is targeted at the particular sort of hybrid personal/professional site I have here, but it was still built from the ground up with reusability and stylistic customization in mind. Some stand-out features include:

You can download Stationery from the GitLab repository and start using it right away, or feel free to fork it and tweak to your exact needs.